For the people of Haiti impacted by this devastating quake. For the mothers and fathers who lost children, and the children who lost parents. For those who were living in poverty before, for whom it seemed things could not get worse- and for whom it will now be unthinkably hard to survive in a world filled with destruction, death, and loss.
I have a patient whose family is in Haiti. She is waiting in anxious desperation to know whether they have survived. My heart aches for this young woman, whose traumatic background seemed to be more than one person could bear when I sat across from her, as her therapist, two days ago... before any of this had even happened. May she not suffer further loss, may those she love be safe.
My hope is that those of us whose hearts ache tonight will find a way- small or big- to contribute to the aid and relief that this country now so desperately needs.
An immediate action that we can all take- send a text to 90999 with the word "Haiti" in it. $10 will go to the Red Cross' relief efforts. Here's more info: .
Tonight, I feel undeserving of all that I have... of the gifts of love, family, food, and shelter that I so often take for granted.
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